10 events found.
Boxing Day In Rwanda
Boxing Day is Celebrated on 26 December annually right after Christmas day.
Christmas CITY TOUR With SANTA
Kigali Kigali, RwandaDrinks Meal Presents Free Photos with Santa
Rubavu Beach Party
Kivu Park Hotel Gisenyi, RwandaChristmas CITY TOUR With SANTA
Kigali Kigali, Rwanda
Kids Study Tour
Package include: Transport Visit Kigali Airport Food&Drinks Spiderman Game Center Fun and Games.
Christmas CITY TOUR With SANTA
Kigali Kigali, Rwanda
Muyango n’Imitari Mu Nganzo Iganje
Crown Conference Hall Nyarutarama Rwanda, Kigali, RwandaCultural Night Event
From 1st - 3rd January 2022 at RUSHEL KIVU LODGE. 190000RWF PER SINGLE 360000 RWF/COUPLE. Read the flyer for the packages.
Lets Talk Taxes While Living Abroad
ZOOM CALLTalk with Expat Specialist Tax Preparation Services 9PM Rwandan Time/ 2PM EST Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3836207846?pwd=RldEWXVGVHFGL29UK2Z3T0RodlRIZz09 Zoom Meeting ID: 383 620 7846 Pass Code: HEYCOUSIN
Relocating to Rwanda–A Chat With Jai Essence
EVENTBRITEYou can access the link for FREE for a chat with Jai Essence on Relocating to Rwanda.https://www.eventbrite.com/e/226569715117